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What does the process look like?

One of my favorite topics and the reason why I think Daire Gems is so special is the attention given to every part of the process, from choosing the stones to the final making of the talisman. I choose stones visually, just as I recommended to you in one of the posts. I feel that I have to be personally connected to a stone in order to even work with it, so there is a reason why I have not yet worked with some of the stones that are widely known and sought after. After I bring home the stones to work with, I lay them out and clean them with palo santo smoke. I put rosemary and white sage over it, cover it with a scarf and leave it overnight. I regularly fill them in the moonlight, and on the eve of the full moon night, I expose them to direct moonlight. After they are thus purified, I do meditation and mantras to energize the stones and optimize the already existing effects of the stones. Also, during the manufacturing process, I process the crystals energetically all the time in meditation and through mantras, praying that it will bring the owner of the talisman good, a better quality of life, resilience and that it will serve the purpose with which it came. Always cross-legged to keep the energy flowing throughout the process. Always with an open heart and the purest intentions, because that is exactly my mission, to give through talismans what was given to me by God.

Kako izgleda proces izrade?

Jedna od mojih omiljenih tema i razlog zašto mislim da je Daire Gems toliko poseban je pažnja posvećna svakom delu procesa, od odabira kamenja do konačne izrade talismana. Kamenje biram vizuelno, baš kao što sam vama preporučila u jednom od postova. Osecćam da moram da budem lično povezana sa kamenom da bih uopšte radila sa njim, tako da postoji razlog zašto još nisam radila sa nekim od kamenova koji su nadaleko poznati i traženi. Nakon što donesem kucći kamenje za rad, položim ga i očistim palo santo dimom. Preko stavim ruzmarin i belu žalfiju, pokrijem maramom i ostavim preko noći. Redovno ih punim na mesečini uoči noći punog meseca. Nakon što su tako pročišceni, radim meditaciju i mantre da energizujem kamenje i optimizujem vec postojece efekte kamenja. Takođe, tokom procesa proizvodnje kristale energetski obrađujem sve vreme u meditaciji i kroz mantre, moleci se da vlasniku talismana donese dobro, bolji kvalitet života, otpornost i da služi svrsi sa kojom mu je došao u život. Uvek odkrštenih nogu da bi energija tekla tokom celog procesa. Uvek otvorenog srca i najčistije namere, jer upravo to i jeste moja misija, da kroz talismane dam ono što mi je dato od Boga.