

Daring, delicate and the dreamiest shade of fire red, Red Jasper is one of those stones that screams energy right down to its very core. Beautifully aligned with the root chakra, Red Jasper may look like trouble, but it actually comes with incredible grounding properties, inviting you to keep one foot firmly on the floor no matter how high you are flying. It’s a stone that brings balance, stamina, courage, and the inner strength of a warrior. It’s lush, it’s deep, and it’s utterly nurturing for the soul.
Known as the supreme nurturer, it’s no surprise that this is one of those healing crystals you turn to in times of needing warm comfort. It’s called The Stone of Endurance and Nurturing, as it feeds back to you your own inner power that can sometimes get lost in the shuffle. When your body and mind need re-energizing, here’s how you turn to Red Jasper’s healing properties to put you back on track.
Also known as The Endurance Stone, Red Jasper invites you to keep your focus and strength regardless of whatever task you are doing, especially during times of stress. For those who feel as though their mind and energy can flit out of focus, Red Jasper can bring you back. It is an exceptional tool for using as part of your meditation practice as alongside inviting endurance in difficult situations it has strong spiritual properties too.
If you are crawling out of a chaotic time in your life, Red Jasper can be used as part of the divine healing process. It’s a stone that is deeply connected to the roots, meaning that it tethers you to the earth beneath your feet, giving you the strength to stand strong as you renew and revitalize your soul.

SKU: DA004 Category:


Prelepo usklađen sa korenskom čakrom, Crveni Jasper može izgledati kao problem, ali zapravo dolazi sa neverovatnim svojstvima uzemljenja, pozivajući vas da držite jednu nogu čvrsto na podu bez obzira na to koliko visoko letite. To je kamen koji donosi ravnotežu, izdržljivost, hrabrost i unutrašnju snagu ratnika.
Poznat kao vrhunski hranitelj, nije iznenađenje što je ovo jedan od onih kristala za lečenje kojima se obraćate u vremenima kada vam je potrebna toplina i udobnost. Zove se kamen izdržljivosti i negovanja, jer vam vraća sopstvenu unutrašnju snagu koja se ponekad može izgubiti.
Crveni Jasper vas poziva da zadržite fokus i snagu bez obzira na zadatak koji radite, posebno u vreme stresa. Za one koji osećaju da im um i energija mogu da pobegnu iz fokusa, Crveni Jasper može da vas vrati. To je izuzetan alat za korišćenje kao deo vaše meditacijske prakse, jer pored pozivanja na izdržljivost u teškim situacijama ima i snažna duhovna svojstva.
Ako izlazite iz haotičnog perioda u vašem životu, Crveni Jasper se može koristiti kao deo božanskog procesa isceljenja. To je kamen koji je duboko povezan sa korenima, što znači da vas vezuje za zemlju ispod vaših nogu, dajući vam snagu da stojite snažno dok obnavljate i revitalizirate svoju dušu.

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S-16cm, M-18cm, L-20cm


with, without