Yin Yang Ring
€ 235,00
Ovaj talisman je proizvod timskog ručnog rada, zanatlija širom Srbije. Prsten je napravljen od 925 Sterling Siver srebra, sa kružnim cirkonima i pozlatom.
Ono što ovaj prsten čini talismanom je energetski proces koji se odvija na samom kraju kada je medaljon u potpunosti izradjen. Tada se u njega energetski konstituišu programi za optimalizaciju i energizaciju, zaštitu od negativnih apstraktnih zračenja kao i zaštitu od negativnih misli i emocija drugih ljudi.
Ying yang kao simbol harmonije, podseca nas da je život zapravo balans i umetnost prihvatanja svih dualnosti u nama i oko nas.
- Imajte na umu da je u pitanju ručni rad koji zahteva rad nekoliko majstora pa dajte vremena procesu 2 do 3 nedelje.
This talisman is the handmade product of a team of artisans all over Serbia. Made of 925 Sterling Silver, with 7 round multi-color zircons (representing chakras) and gold plating if selected.
What makes it a talisman is the energy process that takes place at the very end when the medallion is fully constructed. Then programs for optimization and energizing, protection from negative abstract radiation, as well as protection from negative thoughts and emotions of other people are formed into it energetically.
Ying yang is the ancient symbol of harmony that reminds us that life is a balancing act and most fulfilling when we learn to embrace its dualities.
- Please note that this is a handwork that require several different artisans and give time to receving your order aprox. 2-3 weeks.